It was a big event with dignitaries at the head table, banners up, flag unfurled and pine needles on the floor!
I was invited to come and attend, along with Greg Brewster who is also with Equip, for our service at the school this year. We were given a special introduction and warm thanks for caring for the kids and their spiritual growth.
The director of the ag school and my good friend, Mario, gave an excellent graduation speech. In one part he said that he was reading a book and ran across a formula for success in life. He said that he thought probably all the people there had the same book in their home too. That it often has a black cover and of course the book was the Bible.
He said he found the formula in Joshua 1:8
- This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
So his encouragement to the graduating class was that to truly be successful they needed to know and follow God! Awesome!
Lot's of pictures taken after everyone received their certificates.
Couple different media guys there who interviewed Mario after the ceremony!
All in all, great time and very God honoring! We are so thankful that Mario is the director there and has given us an open door to come in and work with the kids!!
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